Organization Name Date State
Glendora Unified School District 
Grant to purchase technology equipment for both of the District's middle schools' science departments to enhance student learning and engagement. Glendora Unified School District provides public education to K-12 students in the city of Glendora. 
October 2017  CA
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Los Angeles Live Steamer's Railroad Museum 
Grant to purchase equipment, and to assist in the renovation, repair, and electrical maintenance of the Museum. This organization is dedicated to improving and beautifying a 17-acre parcel of Griffith Park as a cultural, historical, and educational resource for the benefit of the citizens of Los Angeles with an emphasis on introducing children to railroad technology and safety in a secure and non-threatening environment.  
October 2017  CA
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Love-Water, Inc. 
Grant to purchase a drilling rig and to complete specific community projects in Nicaragua. Love-Water exists to provide access to clean water in order to restore health and create opportunity in developing countries.  
October 2017  CA
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National Disaster Search Dog Foundation, Inc. 
Grant to purchase specialized vehicles for the orgnanization's National Training Center. This organization's mission is to strengthen disaster response in America by recruiting rescued dogs and partnering them with firefighters and other first responders to find people buried alive in the wreckage of disasters.  
October 2017  CA
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Outreach Impacting Lives 
Grant to assist in the Annual Military Thanksgiving Meal Project. This organization is dedicated to compassionately serving those in need by providing financial support, time, and talent in order to impact lives for the better, while creating an environment that encourages others to participate in a selfless manner.  
October 2017  CA
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Shepherd's Pantry 
Grant to replace two 16- foot standart lift trucks. The mission of Shepherd's Pantry is two-fold: 1) to provide emergency food, resource assistance and emotional support in time of crisis to needy families; 2) to provide the necessary tools and resources to help these families become self-sufficient.  
October 2017  CA
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Zoological Society of San Diego 
Grant to purchase an ultrasound imaging system for the San Diego Safari Park. This organization is a conservation, education and recreation organization dedicated to the reproduction, protection and exhibition of animals, plants and their habitats.  
October 2013  CA
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Victoria Falls Wildlife Trust 
Grant to fund the completion of its high-care center for wildlife rescue and rehab, and to also fund the purchase of a vehicle for the center. This organization is dedicated to advancing and promoting environmental conservation in southern Africa through hands-on, applied wildlife research, wildlife veterinary diagnositc applications, rescue and rehabilitation, and education and empowerment of local peoples in the sustainable utilization of natural resources.  
October 2017  CA
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YWCA of San Gabriel Valley 
Grant to demolish old playground and to purchase and assemble new durable playgournd equipment. Grant to also update I.T. hardware and software for offices. This organization's mission is to provide each local community with quality, cost-effective and custom-tailored services that enable and empower seniors of diverse cultural and economic backgrounds to enrich their lives and live in their own homes with independence, quality of life and dignity. 
October 2017  CA
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Casa Colina Hospital and Centers for Healthcare 
Grant to purchase a new sound room and interacoustic hardware and software for the Casa Colina Audiology Center. This organization provides individuals the opportunity to maximize their medical recovery and rehabilitation potential efficiently in an environment that recognizes their uniqueness, dignity, and self esteem. 
October 2018  CA
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Friends of Malibu Urgent Care Center 
Grant to purchase a digital x-ray machine. This organization is dedicated to keeping the Malibu Urgent Care Clinic open for extended hours and weekends 365 days of the year with appropriate board-certified staffing and with advanced medical equipment.  
October 2018  CA
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Haynes Family of Programs 
Grant to renovate and transform the existing single-use gymnasium into a multi-use sports and performing arts center. This organization is dedicated to strengthening the mind and spirit of children with emotional delays, special learning difficulties and developmental needs by providing specialized programs.  
October 2018  CA
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Lake Tahoe Wildlife Care 
Grant to purchase and install a perimeter fence around the property of the new Lake Tahoe Wildlife Care Rehabilitation Center. The mission of this organization is to raise, rehabilitate, and release orphaned and injured native wild birds and animals, and to educate the public in practices to minimize our impact of wildlife.  
October 2018  CA
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Pueblo Unido CDC 
Grant to purchase and install an on-site arsenic removal water treatment plant for a Mobile Home Park. The mission of this organization is to respond to the needs and concerns of the Eastern Coachella Valley's underrepresented rural communities by actively engaging residents and fostering collaborative efforts to find viable solutions, leverage critical resources and create new opportunities to improve the quality of life.  
October 2018  CA
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The Rescue Train 
Grant to purchase a new vehicle, to expand the existing shelter intervention program at the East Valley Shelter and open a new program at the West Valley Shelter. The Rescue Train is a unique 501(c)3, no-kill organization dedicated to eliminating animal suffering and euthanasia through hands-on rescue work, shelter intervention, dedication to spay/neuter, education, and awareness. 
October 2017  CA
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